Sports Conditioning

Fitwize 4 Kids understands that the muscles in your body do a pretty good job when you use them for easy stuff, like picking up a pencil or walking across the street. But what about using them for harder stuff, like lifting a backpack full of schoolbooks, sprinting the 100 meters or dunking a basketball? Participating in contact sports such as hockey or football has a greater chance of being injured than someone who plays tennis. Participating in an exercise program may include anything from weight training to running. That’s where strength training comes in: it makes your muscles get bigger and stronger. And for all you girls out there don’t worry; you can get a lot stronger without getting bigger muscles.

At Fitwize 4 Kids we recognize that early sports condition in children play a vital role in their lives. Our classes are tailored according to the child’s abilities. These trainings help your child to perform better in whatever sports they get involved in. It also encourages them throughout their lives to stay fit and healthy.

Fitwize 4 Kids will enhance:

  • Speed
  • Strength
  • Performance

Guaranteed measurable results!

Get an edge over the competition with our 45 minute training program designed specifically for youth athletes.

We specialize in:

  • Aerobics
  • Agility
  • Plyometrics
  • Exercise fundamentals
  • Flexibility

Every young child should be encouraged to participate in organized sports or in regular physical activities. That’s where Fitwize 4 Kids come in. The benefits of taking part in exercise have been well documented and include advantages in psychosocial functioning, physical improvements, and health-related gains. Every sport has unique demands; injuries are definitely a risk of participating in sport and exercise. This risk obviously changes depending on the activity you choose.

** check with your local participating Fitwize 4 Kids to see what programs are being offered in your area.

Healthy Bodies

Strong Minds

Build Character