Self Defense

The focus of martial arts, while still teaching practical self-defense, is on conflict resolution, and personal responsibility. At Fitwize 4 Kids our goal is to provide realistic, practical training for kids to avoid a confrontation and be able to know when and how to use the right skills.

It is not just a kick or punch. It’s a whole lot more.

We teach and challenge each child to grow and learn at their level with positive reinforcement and in a non competitive but motivating environment your child can experience the confidence that comes with having the proper physical skills and psychological mindset necessary to be better.

Fitness & Fun

Whether your goal is to have your child get stronger, or just be more active, martial arts is a great way to get in shape. They see will dramatic improvements in endurance, strength, flexibility, speed, coordination, balance, and overall stress.

Life Skills

Martial Arts reinforce the positive values and life skills already being taught at home. These skills include leadership, goal setting, teamwork, healthy living, and decision making.

Personal Development

Martial Arts is an excellent tool for helping your child achieve all these results; improving attention span, self-control, courage, patience, confidence, discipline, and positive thinking.

** check with your local participating Fitwize 4 Kids to see what programs are being offered in your area.

Healthy Bodies

Strong Minds

Build Character