Summer Tumble & Stunt Camps



Fitwize offers full-day cheer camps, as well as tumble & stunt camps from 9am-4pm throughout the summer; with before and after care options. All camps include a showcase on Fridays at 3:30pm (campers to wear their Fitwize tank and black shorts).

Enroll your child(ren) in one, or several, of our camps! We offer an Early Bird Discount available through February 21, 11:59pm, as well as a 10% off sibling rate (full price for first child, 10% off the second+ child(ren), when siblings are enrolled in the same cart/transaction). To enroll your child, please visit our online form.


Full-Day Tumble & Stunt Camps (Grades 1+)

Week 2, June 23-27 Tropical Island
Week 3, June 30-July 4 Red, White & Blue (closed 7/4)

Rising 1st graders and up will improve upon their overall tumbling skills as we emphasize and work on flexibility, technique and safe skill progression. Athletes will be broken into groups by skill level, and will rotate through a series of challenging drills, stations and exercises. High intensity, high repetition tumbling circuit with multiple spotters assisting athletes on more advanced skills will assist campers to master handstands, forward and backward rolls, cartwheels, bridges, front and back walkovers, round-offs, back handsprings, depending on the athlete’s assessed ability level. Athletes will also rotate through different jumping and fitness stations and drills to learn pyramid building while we cover the importance of safety and proper technique. ALL skill levels are welcome.


Full-Day Cheer Camps (Grades 2+)

Week 7, July 28-August 1 Decades
Week 8, August 4-8 Back to School

Rising 2nd graders and up will spend the week mastering a complete cheerleading routine filled with tumbling, stunting, pyramid building, motions and dance. Themed dress-up days and our popular fitness games will round out each day. Fridays will be our “Super Star” day where athletes will get to show off their routine and specialty spirit awards will be presented. ALL skill levels are welcome.


High School Open Gym

Sunday, July 13, 1:30pm – 3:30pm
Sunday, July 20, 1:30pm – 3:30pm
Sunday, July 27, 1:30pm – 3:30pm


Current and rising High School athletes are invited to join us this summer for our High School Open Gym. These Open Gyms are specific to High School Cheerleaders preparing for their upcoming tryout. Focus is on tumbling, jumps and conditioning, as well as skills athletes would like to work on. Spotters will always be present for tumbling and jumps.

To participate, you must have a liability waiver signed by an adult on file at our facility (this is part of our online registration) and check-in when you arrive. For those who walk-in, be sure a parent is present to complete a liability waiver in order for you to participate; if we do not currently have a waiver on file for you.


Be sure to register early as our camps fill-up quickly.

Healthy Bodies

Strong Minds

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